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The best & worst top grossing films

Updated: Mar 26

About 50 films have grossed over a billion dollars. Some are rated among the best movies ever. Others are rated as some of the worst movies ever.

Just one company made many of the best and worst films to ever make more than a billion dollars. Here are the top 10 best and worst.

Top 10 Worst - #10 - Minions - $1.2B

Perhaps the critics didn't find the minions very cute. The score makes it one of the worst top-grossing animated movies.

Top 10 Best - #10 - Spider-Man: No Way Home - $1.9B

Today's Spider-Man-loving kids are growing up with a significantly more critically acclaimed series than the previous two. The third time is the charm of the Spider-Man movies.

Top 10 Worst - #9 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - $1.1B

Not the worst in the series, but by the second movie, critics were already pretty sick of the Johnny Depp cosplaying an 18th century drunken thief.

Top 10 Best - #9 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - $2.1B

When this film came out it seemed as though the biggest point of discussion was how much the themes were recycled from part 4. That didn't bother most critics, and recycled themes should have been expected, given this movie was mainly about tapping a fanbase for cash.

Top 10 Worst - #8 - The Lion King - $1.7B

This film had the inevitable fate of being compared to the animated masterpiece of the 90s. Instead of a sequel, they opted for a remake that drew many critics' anger.

Top 10 Best - #8 - Finding Dory - $1.0B

After 13 years came an additional installment to a movie constantly played in TV stores in 2003. Ellen DeGeneres must have been quite satisfied with the critic reviews for the two underwater Disney delights.

Top 10 Worst - #7 - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - $1.1B

The Force Awakens was one of the best, and Rise of Skywalker is one of the worst. Why? It's hard to nail down in a sentence, but their disparity is interesting. It is also quite odd that the critics score a film much lower than the audience.

Top 10 Best - #7 - Avengers: Endgame - $2.8B

Part of why this one made so much money was the idea that it was the grand finale. But, of course, it wasn't the end of Marvel superhero movies. They "went out" with a bang, for sure.

Top 10 Worst - #6 - Alice in Wonderland - $1.0B

Tim Burton made this movie, and it shows. If you love Tim's work, you'll probably like this film. However, this is another film that is inherently compared to the previous version given that it's a remake.

Top 10 Best - #6 - Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - $1.3B

Going out with a bang describes Endgame as well as this film. Perhaps most remarkable is that the three main characters kept the same actors throughout. The audience got to watch them age into adulthood on the big screen.

Top 10 Worst - #5 - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - $1.0B

This film is a dead horse kicked infinitely in the early days of YouTube. But in reality, the biggest problem is that it was compared to the best Star Wars films. Having "Episode I" in the title may be more annoying than Jar Jar Binks.

Top 10 Best - #5 - Black Panther - $1.3B

In previous Marvel superhero movies, the primary setting was the United States, and they would occasionally go to big cities in Europe and Asia. But the entire continent of Africa was relatively untapped. Not anymore!

Top 10 Worst - #4 - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - $1.3B

The first movie was a classic. But this franchise might not be as well suited to sequels as Star Wars or The Avengers. However, that does not mean that chances shouldn't be taken on sequels to 80s movies because...

Top 10 Best - #4 - Top Gun: Maverick - $1.5B

Wow! Who would have thought that a sequel to a lone wolf 80s film would have made so much money and yet be one of the highest-rated movies of all time? The filmmakers rose above expectations in every way possible.

Top 10 Worst - #3 - Transformers: Dark of the Moon - $1.1B

You have to feel bad for the people that didn't stop watching these movies after the first one. Michael Bay produces another epic masterpiece.

Top 10 Best - #3 - Toy Story 4 - $1.1B

The fourth installment as good as the first one? That is extremely impressive. This series is the gold standard for animated kids' movies for everyone.

Top 10 Worst - #2 - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - $1.0B

The Pirates of the Caribbean series got more mystical and less realistic as the series continued, with Johnny Depp getting drunker and drunker on the set. If you love seeing the Caribbean sets and the wardrobe of the 18th century, stick to the first one and the first one only.

Top 10 Best - #2 - Toy Story 3 - $1.1B

Does the Toy Story series have the greatest average critic score of any film series? This film exerts emotions in both kids and adults. If you were a kid when this movie came out, you probably remember parents tearing up when Andy leaves the house to go to college.

Top 10 Worst - #1 - Transformers: Age of Extinction - $1.1B

Puke. Can someone please award Michael Bay with a trophy made of manure?

Top 10 Best - #1 - Zootopia - $1.0B

Although it has nearly the same metrics as Toy Story 3, this film is #1 simply by how little it is talked about. It isn't mentioned nearly enough as one of the all-time top-scoring films on Rotten Tomatoes. Also, the song "Try Everything" by Shakira is fantastic.

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